Parent Technology Center

Muscogee County School District: Parent Technology Center
Considering how quickly technology has developed in recent years, many of today’s parents and teachers were likely in the classroom when the overhead projector and cable were cutting edge. Even just a few years ago, computers were nice to have, but not necessities for student learning. Today, however, technology seems to dictate everything, from how teachers teach, to how parents and teachers communicate — and perhaps more importantly, what teachers talk to parents about. Parents of the 21st century must be familiar with the tools their children are using in the classroom. To access helpful documents and learn more about the Chromebook, Canvas, Infinite Campus and other Muscogee County School District applications, please click on the link in the black box.

What is CANVAS?
CANVAS is a course management system that supports online learning and teaching. It allows teachers to post grades, information, and assignments online. It is being used by universities and school districts all over the world. CANVAS is used at the Muscogee County School District to supplement traditional classes (“web-enhanced”). CANVAS allows for students and parents to stay in touch with teachers and to communicate with other students, and even a way to submit assignments and take exams online. CANVAS provides students with a password-protected online classroom in which they submit work and communicate with their instructor and classmates. It is very important for parents to become familiar with the CANVAS environment and its tools so they can better support their children and the educational process. The two boxes below contain links that are good starting points for any FSLMA parent wanting to get better acquainted with the CANVAS platform.
(In this video, parents will learn about observer account registration and how to link students to parent account using a pairing code).
(This video will explain to parents how to navigate the CANVAS platform from an iOS phone or tablet display).