Student's Page


Tiger Counseling Family

Guidance Office Hours 8:10 am- 4:00pm

Parents and students may schedule an appointment by contacting the grade level counselor. Counselors can be contacted at the George Washington Carver High School main number 706-748-2499 and through email.

Ms. Shari Thomas

Guidance Director

Senior Counselor 

ACT Coordinator

Mrs. Tosha Leake

Junior Counselor

Sophomore Counselor (A-L)

Dual Enrollment Coordinator

Ms. Brittany James

Sophomore Counselor (M-Z)

Freshman Counselor

Mr. Derrick Hayes

Guidance Clerk

George Washington Carver High School Guidance and Counseling Department 

Our Mission :

 The mission of the G.W. Carver Professional School Counseling Program is to provide quality direction in the areas of Academic, Career, and Personal/Social development through an assertive partnership with students, family, educators, and community to create productive members of society


Our Vision Statement:

 Carver High School graduates are strategic problem solvers and lifelong learners who have obtained the academic and social-emotional skills necessary to be successful in their postsecondary pursuits.


Our Belief Statement:

●   All George Washington Carver students have the ability to be successful.

●   Through evaluative use of data, school counselors have the responsibility to ethically:

-Support students’ with their academic, career, personal and social development

-Empower students to be self-sufficient, self-aware and to value themselves as contributing members of our society

-Teach students the skills necessary to reach their fullest intellectual and social potential



February Students of the Month

Character Words of the Month from Guidance!

March - Forgiveness

Excusing or pardoning a mistake or offense; letting go of blame.


Week 26: Acceptance – No one has ever made a difference by being like everyone else.

Week 27: Excuse – Success occurs when your dreams get bigger than your excuses.

Week 28: Amends – When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.