Welcome to G.W. Carver High School’s S.T.E.M Magnet Program

Welcome to the Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics Magnet Program of George Washington Carver High School.  The STEM Magnet Program is a program designed to equip our youth with the skills needed to be proficient and prepared for a post-secondary study and the 21st century workforce. The STEM Magnet Program is a rigorous, project-based program but also includes educational field trips that offer our students opportunities to learn more about STEM related careers.  Each magnet student is to fulfill all magnet requirements as well as participate in extracurricular and community activities.


In our STEM Magnet program, our magnet students are given opportunities to earn college credits while also receiving a high school credit through the choice of taking Advanced Placement courses held within the school or Dual Enrollment courses with Columbus State University, Columbus Technical College, and Georgia Military College.

Contact Persons

Name Title Email
Mr. Christopher Lindsey Principal Lindsey.Christopher.B@Muscogee.k12.ga.us
Mrs. Markia Woods Magnet Coordinator Woods.Markia.S@Muscogee.k12.ga.us
STEM logo

S.T.E.M Teachers


Science Mathematics English  Social Studies  Technology  Engineering Health Science

Victoria Neal

Honors Biology

AP Biology

Tyseanna Walton
Honors Algebra: Concepts and Connections


Honors 9th Grade Literature

Michael Osoh

Honors American Government

Gabriel Hart
Digital Marketing
Kyra Holmes

Tara Jones


Christopher Nance

Honors Chemistry

AP Chemistry

Sherlita Gilchrist 

Honors Algebra: Concepts and Connections

Enhanced Advanced Algebra/AP Precalculus

Taliah Hassan

Honors 10th Grade Literature

Asheeka Branscomb

AP World History

AP U.S. History



Markia Woods

AP Physics

Ethel Morris-Shaw

AP Statistics 

Tracy Green

AP English Language

Ashley Lucier

Honors Economics



AP Calculus


Volunteer Hours 

Students, if you are in the magnet program for ALL 4 years, then as a senior you will need a minimum of 100 hours in order to meet your magnet requirement.  You can earn more than 25 hours per year if you would like. All hours are due each year on the last Friday of April! If you have any questions or need to email documentation please do so by emailing the magnet coordinator at: woods.markia.s@muscogee.k12.ga.us

Senior Project

The purpose of our STEM Magnet students completing this project is to increase both teaching and learning. Students are required to complete a culminating project, as one of the requirements to fulfill gaining their STEM diploma seal. The project provides an opportunity for students to explore an interest of topic in the areas of Science, Technology, or Mathematics. By completing the project, students have a real-life experience that can help them in their next adventure in life (college, job, entrepreneurship, military, internship, etc.).


The application for our magnet program is available through the button below. 

Important Dates and Reminders

The 2023-2024 Magnet Application information for all Magnet applicants. The Magnet Application can be found under the Parent/Student portal on the MCSD website https://www.muscogee.k12.ga.us/Families. All applicants must complete the Magnet application in its entirety before the deadline on February 16th, 2024 @ 5:00 p.m.


November 6th: Magnet applications open at 8:00 A.M.
December 13th: Magnet Open House at 5:00 P.M
February 16th: Magnet application closes at 5:00 P.M.
March 8th: Students and Parents will receive an email as to the acceptance or denial to the program after 5:00 P.M.
March 15th: Offer decisions must be made by 11:59 p.m. on this date or all offers are rescinded.

2023-2024 Magnet and Academy Application Process

•   Online applications will close at 5:00 PM ET, February 16th, 2024•    Each parent and/or student will receive an email regarding his or her application status on March 8th, 2024•    Information about each school’s magnet program can be viewed on the application portal: https://apps.muscogee.k12.ga.us/Magnet/

*Any students new to the Muscogee County School District may apply to any academy/magnet program after this date. The Executive Director for Curriculum and Instruction must approve acceptance.*


This track is geared towards students in the STEM Magnet program that would like to have a career in Technology or Engineering. These students will take a variety of math and science courses to help them prepare for a career in Technology or Engineering. The pathway that these students will complete is Cybersecurity or Engineering.

Did you know that Minorities only make up 26% of cybersecurity and 29% of engineering in the United States? Be the Difference!

Medical Science 

This track is geared towards students in the STEM Magnet program that would like to have a career in Medicine. Whether you plan to be a Nurse, Doctor, Dentist, Physical Therapist, or anything close, this is the track for you! Students in this track will take a variety of math and science courses that stem towards a career in medicine. The pathway that these students will complete Healthcare.

Advanced Mathematics 

This track is geared towards students in the STEM Magnet program that are interested in taking various math courses. These classes will help you use critical thinking and your math skills that can be applied in your after high school aspirations. Students in this track will follow the pathway of Agriculture.

Did you know that Agriculture has had over 66,000 job openings between 2012 and 2020?