Welcome to our G.W. Carver’s Parents page! Here you will find information regarding school policies, handbooks, and Title I.
Carver High School Handbook
click here
MCSD Handbook
click here
Parent and Family Engagement Policy
BESS (Behavior Screening) Information
23-24 BESS Screening Flyer (English) (Spanish)
BESS Opt-Out Letter (Optional) (English) (Spanish)
Why Social-Emotional and Behavioral Screening is Important

W.O.R.K.S Success at Carver!
The WORKS (Working On Refocusing, Redirecting, Realigning Kids Successfully) program is a restorative justice based program currently in use in several public schools and systems in
Georgia. The stated purposes of the program are to improve the relationship between school and home through parental involvement, implement strategies to improve teacher – student
relationships and to implement alternatives to suspension and strategies to improve student behavior and decrease the amount of instructional time lost.
See the full description of this successful program here: