Welcome to G.W. Carver High School Athletics!
Fall Sports | Winter Sports | Spring Sports |
Football: Pierre Coffey | Boy’s Basketball: Terry White | Baseball: Michael Long |
Email:coffey.pierre.h@muscogee.k12.ga.us | Email: White.Terry.L@muscogee.k12.ga.us | Email: long.michael.d@muscogee.k12.ga.us |
Softball: | Girl’s Basketball: Anson Hundley | Girl’s & Boy’s Soccer: Terry Robbins |
Email: | Email: Hundley.Anson@muscogee.k12.ga.us | Email: Robbins.Terry.W@muscogee.k12.ga.us |
Volleyball: Anson Hundley | Flag Football: | Boy’s and Girl’s Track: Mario Nazien |
Email: Hundley.Anson@muscogee.k12.ga.us | Email: | Email: Nazien.Mario.C@muscogee.k12.ga.us |
Cross Country: Terry White | Rifle: Alexander Branch | Girl’s & Boy’s Golf: |
Email: White.Terry.L@muscogee.k12.ga.us | Email: Branch.Alexander@muscoge.k12.ga.us | Email: |
Cheerleading: Caneisha Harbison | Wrestling: | Boy’s & Girl’s Tennis: Brandi Buie and Christopher Nance |
Email: Harbison.Caneisha.S@muscogee.k12.ga.us | Email: | |
Tigerettes: Tamela Ransom | Band Director: Lorenzo Manuel | |
Email:thompson.tamela.t@muscogee.k12.ga.us | Email:manuel.lorenzo.v@muscogee.k12.ga.us |
Sports, News, and Highlights
Basketball Season Updates
*Game tickets are available at www.gofan.co
*Spectators must show their ticket for access to the gym
*DO NOT validate tickets prior to arriving at the game. Tickets will be validated by event staff.
*Tickets that are redeemed or validated in advance will not be accepted
*GHSA digital passes will be honored for the passholder plus one guest. Additional guests need a ticket.
*The pass gate is located near the front entrance to the gym.
*All spectators will enter the campus from 3100 8th St
*Gates will open at 4:00pm. Spectators will not be allowed to leave and re-enter the gym.
*Gate workers will validate tickets prior to entering the gym.
*Metal detector screening is required at the entrance of the facility.
*No bookbags allowed by spectators. Only the coaches and players with the teams are allowed to bring in equipment bags and bookbags.
Sports Leader 9 announces Kelton Smith as the 2022 All Amercian Bowl winner!
Help us congratulate our Boys Track and Field for becoming our 2022 City Champions!

G.W. Carver Tiger Sport Schedules
2021-2022 Football Schedule
2021-2022 Volleyball Schedule
2021-2022 Cross Country Schedule
2021-2022 Softball Schedule
2021-2022 Flag Football Schedule
2021-2022 Girls & Boys Basketball Schedule
Athletic Forms
Athletics Permission to Participate
Click here
GHSA Athletic Physical
Click here
GHSA Concussion Awareness Form
Click here