GMAS Parent Workshop

Congratulations to Mrs. Woods

Mrs. Woods has been selected as one of Muscogee County School District’s Top 10 Teachers for Teacher of the Year 2024-2025. Congrats again Mrs. Woods!!

Presenting Carver's 2024-2025 Page One Nominees

Please join us in congratulating our 2024-2025 Page One Nominees and as we wish them the best of luck on their interviews on  Sunday, Feb 22nd. Go Tigers!

Congratulations to Braylon Jakes!

Congratulations to Senior Braylon Jakes for being nominated for the A.C.E. ( Accepting the Challenge of Excellence) Award. 

Preventing Violence and Bullying

Carver Student Recogonized as DAR Scholarship Nominee

Congratulations to John Noah Parker McGowan who was a nominee for the DAR scholarship.  The Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Scholarship program offers multiple scholarships to high school seniors, college students, and graduate students across various fields, including history, political science, nursing, medicine, and education. These scholarships are merit-based and often require academic excellence and community service.

Carver High School Student, Kamarial Craig, Nominated for Rotary Exchange Club Youth of the Year Award

The Guidance Department nominated Kamarial for The Exchange Club Youth of the Year award, a recognition of her exceptional achievements and character. Kamarial is a senior with an impressive GPA of 4.2 and serves as our Senior Class President. Her leadership, dedication, and academic excellence have earned her this well-deserved honor.

Kamarial and her mother attended a luncheon with her nominating teacher, Mr. Nance, who she personally selected for this honor in recognition of his positive impact on her educational journey. During the event, Kamarial proudly read her essay in front of the Rotary Exchange Club members.  She was presented with a certificate and a gift, marking this important milestone.

Columbus Fire Department Teaches OSHA, Workplace, & Fire Safety to Our Logistics Students

Chief/Fire Marshall Shull and Firefighter Maycee Mason provided a fun and interactive, hands-on experience about workplace and fire safety. Chief Shull also shared his military logistics background with our students.

Carver DECA is Headed to Nationals!!

Carver’s DECA chapter along with their advisor, Mr. Hart, traveled to Atlanta to attend the Georgia DECA’s State Career Development Conference & Competition. The conference had over 4,000 participants and we had THREE Carver Tigers bring home medals.

  • Timothy Martin placed 5th (out of 60) in Hospitality & Tourism Professional Selling Presentation
  • Kaylah Green & Janessa Robinson placed 7th (out of 80) in Entrepreneurship Team Decision Making
  • Honorable Mention: Isaiah McCoy placed 19th (out of 100) in Principles of Entrepreneurship

DECA’s next stop is the International Career Development Conference in Orlando, Florida in April.

Timothy Martin and Ms. Hassan: PAGE Star and Most Instrumental Teacher

Congratulations to Timothy Martin and Ms. Hassan for being recognized as nominees for PAGE STAR and Most Instrumental Teacher!

Three Carver Students Selected to Move on to the State Application Level for the Governor's Honors Program

Shakayla Richardson, Ignacio Bautista, and Kaylah Green  have passed the district level of the application process and have been chosen out of 106 students within Muscogee County School District, they will now move on to the state level application process. Congratulations!!

Carver High School Football Team Brings Home the AA State Championship Title

On Tuesday, December 17th, the football brought home Carver’s second state title for football. The final score was 52-14. Quarterback, Matthew Mungin, was named the MVP of the Game. Congratulations Tigers!!!!

Carver High School Student, Tra'niya Worthey, places 3rd at Region 4 West Georgia SkillsUSA Challenge

Tra’niya placed 3rd in the Electric Construction Challenge at the Region 4 West Georgia SkillsUSA Challenge, qualifying her for the State Competition for the 2nd year in a row. She was approached by multiple companies that offered her job opportunities and earn-while-you-learn programs at the event. Congratulations Tra’niya!!

Carver Media Center Hosts Book Tasting

Dr. Smith, Carver’s Media Specialist, hosted a book tasting event. The Book Tasting had Academic & STEM Picture Books for Older Readers, and Math Novels. Some of the books viewed had approximately the same number of words as passages for GMAS, SAT, and ACT.

31 Carver High School Students Accepted into Fort Valley State University!!

Congratulations Tigers!!



Da’Mari Green brings home 3rd place in the Open Job Demonstration category for Logistics in the Region 4 SkillsUSA regional championship!

Da’Mari demonstrated the 3PL Warehouse part of the Supply Chain, showing off the logistics workflow software automation, and he used low-code tools like for warehouse inventory map tracking. On top of that, he processed all warehouse orders in record time using Legos as inventory. Congratulations Da’Mari!

64 Carver High School Students Accepted into Albany State University!!

Congratulations Tigers!!

Congratulations to Our 2024-2025 Teacher of the Year Mrs. Markia Woods!!

33 Carver High School Students Accepted into Alabama A&M University!!

Congratulations Tigers!!



Delta GEMS

Delta GEMS Application Open Now! 


– 2024 Youth Applications 

Dr. Betty Shabazz Delta Academy: Catching the Dreams of Tomorrow

Delta GEMS provides the framework to actualize those dreams of young ladies ages 14-18 through the performance of specific tasks that develop a CAN DO attitude!

JROTC Raiders


On Saturday, October 12, Carver JROTC Cadets participated in the JROTC Raider Competition Area #5 State Qualifier, in the mixed team category. They received the following awards: 2nd Place Tire Flip, 2nd Place Raider Fitness (overall competition), 2nd Place Litter Rescue, 3rd Place Rope Bridge, and 3rd Place 2.5 mile team run. Congratulations!!

Carver Boys Track Team Wins 1st Place and Sets a New State Record

G.W. Carver High School Cheer Competition Team Takes 1st!!

Congratulations to our Competition Cheer Team!! The team received 1st place for the 2A Division at the Game Day Competition held on Saturday, November 2nd in Dawsonville, Ga.

Carver Track Recognized at Horace Empowerment Track Honors

Carver Boys were recognized as the city champions for the 4 x 200 & 4 x 400 Relays and the Girls were recognized as champions for the 4 x 200 Relay. Great Job Tigers!

Beginning New Outreach Donates to Carver High School

Carver High School Graduate joins U.S. Department of Education as Senior Advisor

Carver Grad Beating-the-Odds Success Story

John Hood, Carver High School Graduate Class of 2006, beats the odds to work at the South Pole.

Welcome to G. W. Carver High School

Sports news, updates, and schedules

Looking to purchase tickets for our football or basketball games? Are you looking to see the schedule of other sports? Wanting to stay in the loop with student-athlete achievements?

Please click on this link to access our athletics’ sports pages!

Click this link to see our weekly athletics newsletter!

Sports picture

Upcoming Athletic Events

Basketball Season Updates

*Game tickets are available at
*Spectators must show their ticket for access to the gym
*DO NOT validate tickets prior to arriving at the game. Tickets will be validated by event staff.
*Tickets that are redeemed or validated in advance will not be accepted

*GHSA digital passes will be honored for the passholder plus one guest. Additional guests need a ticket.
*The pass gate is located near the front entrance to the gym.


*All spectators will enter the campus from 3100 8th St

*Gates will open at 4:00pm. Spectators will not be allowed to leave and re-enter the gym.

*Gate workers will validate tickets prior to entering the gym.

*Metal detector screening is required at the entrance of the facility.

*No bookbags allowed by spectators.  Only the coaches and players with the teams are allowed to bring in equipment bags and bookbags.


Hotspot Request 

Click Here to access the instructions on how to request a hotspot on the school district’s website.

Seniors and Senior Parents/Guardians

Please check the senior page for news and upcoming dates for the Class of 2025.

S.T.E.M Magnet

Information is key to success in the Magnet program. If enrolled, please click under this tab for dates, requirements, and other important information!


Are you interested in Work-based Learning?  Are you in need of graduation information? Please go under this page for more information!


Need help with scheduling or ensuring you are on track for graduation? Please visit our Counseling page for more information!

School News

Want the latest in school news? Want to stay up to date with school event? Please visit our School News page.


Attention Parents! Please use our Parents tab to stay up to date with Title I information and important meetings.


The W.O.R.K.S Program is a major component of our students’ success here at Carver High School. This program focuses on Working on Refocusing, Redefining, and Realigning Kids Successfully. For more information about this program, click here.

Click Here to access the District Calendar

SY 2024-2025

Click HERE to access the MCSD Student Handbook and Code of Conduct 
SY 2024-2025

Click HERE to access G.W. Carver High School Student Handbook
SY 2024-2025

Congratulations to the Top 10 Students of the Class of 2024!

Carver High School 2024 Page One Nominees

Carver High School Faculty and Staff


Tigers' R.O.A.R

S.T.E.M Magnet

Welcome to the Science/Technology/Engineering/Mathematics Magnet Program of George Washington Carver High School.  The STEM Magnet Program is a program designed to equip our youth with the skills needed to be proficient and prepared for a post-secondary study and the 21st century workforce.  Integrating the four composite areas of science, technology, engineering and math will ensure that our students can solve tough problems, gather and evaluate evidence, and analyze information. The STEM Magnet Program is a rigorous, project-based program but also includes educational field trips that offer our students opportunities to learn more about STEM related careers.  Each magnet student is to fulfill all magnet requirements as well as participate in extracurricular and community activities. Here at George Washington Carver High School, we believe that communication is the key to a successful experience and together parents/guardians, students and teachers will be more successful when we work as a team.

STEM logo

Sports Twitter Updates

For G.W. Carver sports updates, please follow our Twitter page, @GWCsports!

Carver High School 23-24 Bell Schedule

Carver High School 23-24 Advisement Bell Schedule

Carver High School Advisement FIrst Bell Schedule 23-24



February Students of the Month

Character Words of the Month from Guidance!

March – Forgiveness

Excusing or pardoning a mistake or offense; letting go of blame.


Week 26: Acceptance – No one has ever made a difference by being like everyone else.

Week 27: Excuse – Success occurs when your dreams get bigger than your excuses.

Week 28: Amends – When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.



”All students have been issued a Chromebook (to include Case and Charger) to use during the school day. Students must be responsible for their Chromebook/Case/Charger at all times.  In an effort to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars, students must be responsible for the care of their Chromebook and not damage it in any way. Chromebooks are to be carried in a case at all times when not in use.  Students who damage Chromebooks and/or accessories can be assessed a replacement fee as per Board (see MCSD Board Policy JS: Student Fees, Fines, and Charges).”


Care and Use of School Property – Chromebooks, Textbooks, and Media Center Checkouts
 Students will be held responsible for the proper care of all books, supplies, Chromebooks, and accessories or equipment furnished to them by the school. A student who defaces, damages, or loses school property shall be required to pay for the damage or loss(see MCSD Board Policy JS: Student Fees, Fines, and Charges).

Please Note: A Parent/Student must pay all fees and fines owed to the school in a timely fashion. Parent/Student must clear all fines or fees during the year the fines are assessed. Fines must be paid/cleared where they were assessed and before moving to the next level in school.

Attention Parents and students!
Please utilize these resources to access grades, school-based applications, and to  stay up to date with the news within Muscogee County School District.

Tardy Progression Plan

Tardiness to School
1. All students must be in their class before the 8:45 a.m. bell or be considered tardy to school.
-Tardiness will be unexcused unless the student has a doctor’s note or court document.
-Oversleeping, car trouble, running errands, missing the bus, dress code violations, etc. are unexcused.

2. Students checking in after 10:00 a.m. without a doctor’s note or court document must be accompanied by a parent. If the student is not accompanied by a parent, he/she will be placed in ISI for the remainder of the day.

3. Students may not check in after 12:00pm without a valid excuse or with parent/ guardian.

4. Tardy students who fail to check in through the Attendance Office prior to going to class
will be skipping and will be dealt with accordingly.

Students will receive the following consequences for unexcused tardiness to
•      Consequences that will be implemented:
a. Thursday School
b. Referral to School Social Worker
c. Loss of credit
d. Return to home school for:
e. (Hardships, Magnet & Open Seat Transfers)


Student and Parent Resources

Infinite Campus Parent Portal

Infinite Campus Student Portal

Microsoft Office 365

G.W. Carver STEM High School

Georgia Futures to explore, plan, and succeed

Muscogee County School District Website