Head Coach
Ayreon Oliver

Assistant Coach
Mrs Thomas

2024 BRMS Volleyball Schedule

2024 Volleyball Team Roster
Volleyball News!!!!
Basic Information, Requirements, & Things to Consider!!
Attention Parents & Student – Athletes:
For 7th and 8th graders
Girls should be able to perform the basic skills of underhand (bump) and overhand (set) passing, the overhand serve and hitting (spike) before attending tryouts. We do very limited instruction at tryouts and it is very difficult for a 7th or 8th grader to make the team if they don’t already know how to do these things. 7th and 8th grade girls can get help with volleyball skills through 2 private local volleyball clubs. Both of these clubs have programs designed to teach the skills necessary.
For 6th grade girls
Tryouts will be a little more instructional. I will spend some time with them teaching the basic skills that they will need to know in order to make the volleyball team. For 6th graders, we are looking primarily for athleticism and coach-ability. They would also benefit from programs at the 2 private local volleyball clubs. Both of these clubs have programs designed to teach the skills necessary.
If you have questions about volleyball tryouts, please DO NOT call the school.
Rather, email Coach Oliver at: oliver.ayreon.k2@muscogee.k12.ga.us
All student athletes are required to have an annual physical examination by a physician before the first practice of the chosen sport. This is also a requirement for pre-season conditioning and tryouts. The signed physical form must be turned in to the Coach before participation in ANY team activities.
All girls must attend all 3 days of tryouts to be considered for the team. The cost for playing volleyball is approximately $110.00. We do not know the exact cost until we make final selections of uniforms and accessories each year.
If you make the team, attendance at practice and matches are MANDATORY. We practice every day, Monday through Friday and at least 1 Saturday morning. If you miss practice, you will miss playing time. If you miss more than 3 practices and/or matches you may be dismissed from the team. Exceptions to this rule are serious illness, emergency and OCCASIONAL participation in other school functions.
Things to Consider
Volleyball is a competitive sport, NOT a club. Playing time is earned in practice. Making the team does not guarantee playing time in every match. I will do my best to play as many girls as possible, but there are no guarantees. We practice every day and girls will need to be picked up ON TIME. Every parent will be given a practice schedule and you will need to arrange transportation for your daughter to be picked up at the appointed time. I will never leave your daughters here alone, so I can’t leave until they leave. I will be respectful of your time, please respect mine as well. We love what we do here and we want your daughters to love it as much as we do. Volleyball is a great sport that they can enjoy for a lifetime. We are looking forward to another great year of BRMS volleyball!