National Junior Honor Society

Marie G. DeRamus
National Junior Honor Society
Selection to the Marie G. DeRamus Chapter of the National Junior Honor Society will be based on Scholarship, Character, Leadership, Citizenship and Service. Students must be in the 7th or 8th grade and have been enrolled at BRMS for at least one full semester before being considered for selection. At the end of the 1st semester, students who have attained an overall scholastic average of 93 or above will then be evaluated on: Scholarship, Character, Leadership, Citizenship and Service. The students who were found to have the scholastic GPA as well as meet the 5 requirements of NJHS will be invited to join the Marie G. DeRamus chapter of the National Junior Honor Society. Scholastic average is only ONE of the criteria for selection.
At any time a student is placed in OSS or ISS, that student will be ineligible for induction.
We meet the second Tuesday of the month during ILT (not counting weeks with school holidays).
Some of our annual service projects include Toys for Tots, the Salvation Army canned food drive, Santa Shuffle benefiting the BRMS Relay for Life team, and Puppy Love drive benefiting local animal shelters. This year NJHS will also be sponsoring the Winter Wonderland Dance in January.