Drama Club
Drama club sponsors the after school productions at Blackmon Road Middle School. Every year we try to sponsor two productions, a fall play and spring musical. Each production has a separate audition. If you are cast in the production you will receive a rehearsal schedule. You do not have to be onstage to be in Drama Club. We have many off stage jobs. In addition, throughout the year we will have various meetings to learn theatre skills that are process based rather than production based. This opportunity is perfect for students who were unable to get the Theatre Arts elective.

Future Business Leaders of America
Open to all students!
Meeting Times: Second Tuesday of each month, (ILT)
One time cost: $35 (includes national, state, local dues and t-shirt)
Sponsor: Mrs. Lauren Freiberg, Business Teacher
This club does various social and community service activities. We learn about various “business-type” subjects at our monthly meetings. Students may choose to compete at the Region and State levels in a variety of business subjects. Also, students can strive for earning a Middle Achievement Program pin by getting involved in our activities.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fellowship of Christian Athletes meets every Thursday morning from 8:20 to 8:40. We are one of the largest FCA Huddles in the area with regular attendance of about 45 students and on occasion we have had as many as 90 students attend. We have a time of worship, prayer and Bible Study. Students also participate in community service projects as part of FCA.

Eagle Strong
Eagle strong is a weight lifting and conditioning club that all students can join. Boys will train on Mondays, Wednesday, and every other Friday. Girls will train on Tuesday, Thursday, and every other Friday. This club starts when both football and Volleyball are over. The club runs from 4:00 to 5:30. The fee for the club is $20 dollars and the student must have a complete Player Packet to attend due to the physical activity after school.
Club sponsors are Coach Gray and Coach Oliver
National Jr. Beta Club
The National Jr. Beta Club is a student-centered organization that continually develops and nurtures individuals by providing opportunities and experiences enabling them to demonstrate the ideals of CHARACTER, ACHIEVEMENT, SERVICE and LEADERSHIP in a global community.
Jr. Beta members are selected and inducted during their 6th grade year. Students will remain members of Jr. Beta Division One throughout middle school as long as all requirements are being met. Students must maintain an overall average of 90 or above. Grades will be checked at the end of each Semester. Academic achievement is only one criteria of Jr. Beta. Students must also have the recommendations of their teachers. Final selections for membership will be at the discretion of the club sponsor.
Members of Beta are expected to attend all called meetings, activities, and social events. Beta members will be responsible for a selected amount of service hours each school year to remain eligible. Setting examples through model behavior and helping others are key to becoming a member of the Jr. Beta Club.
Jr. Beta Canvas Page

Girls with Pearls
Girls with Pearls become Ladies (GPL)
- This is a mentoring program that empowers young girls to:
- Inspire and promote self-love and self-acceptance,
- Develop life skills,
- Develop healthy coping skills, and decision-making skills,
- Inspire girls to further their education and dreams,
- Prevent bullying.
Want to be remain a member or become a member – Check back here after September 14th for a place to make the selection.
Girls with Pearls Website (Click here)

Science Olympiad
Soccer, football, track, etc. are teams that compete for the playoffs. Science Olympiad is a competitive team where students get to explore their scientific sides! A team of 15 students will compete in the regional competition with the positive goal of making it to the state competition. Meetings will be on Tuesday from 4:00 until 5:20. Students must be picked up by 5:30. More practices will be added after Christmas break in preparation for the big competition. The challenge is on as we work toward a new tomorrow.

Student Council
Blackmon Road Middle School Student Council aims to prepare our future leaders as global citizens. A few of our objectives and activities over various school years and moving into the future are as follows:
- Global Citizenship – Projects that engage students to better understand their roles and opportunities as involved and informed citizens
- Civic Engagement – Projects that raise awareness or engage in civic-based activities (Positive Social Change – Projects that raise awareness of or engage others in activities addressing identified social issues in the school and community (e.g. Random Acts of Kindness Week, Mix it Up day, etc.)
- Empathetic Actions and Wellness – Projects that assist people in need or crisis, or improve the environment (e.g. Clothing/Food drives, Care packages for vets/homeless, etc.)
- Awareness/Perspectives – Projects that raise awareness and perspectives to or promote meaningful dialogue on identified school and community issues (e.g. Anti-bullying/smoking/drugs, Pause before you post, etc.)
- Teacher Appreciation activities as a thank you for all of the endless hours of preparing, planning, and going above and beyond their call of duty to educate our future leaders.
If we all work together, we can make strides to improve our earth, give back to our community and promote peace.
Teacher Cadets
Blackmon Road Middle School Teacher Cadets Club is in partnership with CSU’s “Go To Teach Program”. The Teacher Cadets club allows middle school students an opportunity to explore teaching as a career.
Students that join our club will design and plan an actual 15-minute mini-lesson to teach to 2nd grade students.
Blackmon Road students will compete in February, here at BRMS, for the opportunity to represent BRMS in the District Teacher Cadet Teaching Competition. The winning BRMS student will compete with other middle school Teacher Cadet winners at a local elementary school.
The winning students receive prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
The highlight of our yearly time together is the field trip to CSU the first week of March. Students get to tour the main and downtown campuses of CSU and have lunch in the dining hall at main campus.
BRMS Teacher Cadets club is a great way to expand your thinking on careers that will be available to you when you graduate.

Velocity is a program for 7th and 8th grade students that helps students live with integrity and serve as positive role models for their peers. All the students sign a contract to be drug and alcohol free and sexually abstinent for the next year. There is an in-school and an out-of-school component. At each school with a Velocity program, the upper-classmen go into classrooms of lower-classmen and present lessons on topics like peer pressure, stress, relationships, family, etc. They talk to the younger students about their own experiences and encourage them to make positive choices. Out of school, Velocity hosts events and activities for TA/Velocity students across the city where they can have fun without being confronted with drugs or alcohol.