Social Studies
Social Studies Department Members

Ms. Kayla Cervantes

Mr. James Bennett

Mr. Sean Ezekial

Mr. Aaron Guest

Ms. Vannicia Jones

Mr. Justin Lewandowski

Mr. Larry McQuiston

Ms. Curtissia Penamon

Mr. Timothy Rollier
“History is not everything, but it is a starting point. History is a clock that people use to tell their political and cultural time of day. It is a compass they use to find themselves on the map of human geography. It tells them where they are but, more importantly, what they must be.” John Henrik Clarke |
Why Social Studies Education Is Important To Your Child’s Future:The Georgia Performance Standards for Social Studies were designed to develop informed Georgia citizens who understand the history of the United States and our place in an ever increasing interconnected world. It is essential that students understand their past and how that past influences the present day and the future. To accomplish our goal of informed citizens, it is essential that social studies education:
The Social Studies Department at Spencer High School offers students a wide range of required and elective classes. Social Studies education is designed not only to teach students about our American Government and History so that they become productive citizens, but also to teach our students many of the skills needed to be successful in almost any career path. Social Studies education teaches critical and analytical thinking, research techniques, data and document analysis, and how to effectively work in groups to solve problems. Social Studies education at Spencer examines history, geography, economics, government, psychology, sociology, religion, law, philosophy, art, literature and much more in order to develop students with a well rounded education about the role of mankind in our world. With our political and economic world becoming more interdependent each day, Social Studies education prepares our students to function in this global community. Just A Few Careers That Benefit From Social Studies Education: |