Welcome to the Counselor’s Hangout
The William H. Spencer High School Counseling Department is available to assist all students in being successful academically, socially, emotionally in high school and with College & Career planning. It is our vision for all students to achieve their full human potential by becoming lifelong learners and contributing members of their community. Guidance Counselors are available for all students. Student, teacher, and parent conferences are encouraged by this department. Students may see a counselor by making an appointment through the Student Services clerk. Parents may call 706-683-8701 and ask for the Guidance Department. The secretary will arrange an appointment. Official transcripts must be mailed by the guidance office.
The mission of our school counseling program is to provide developmentally appropriate services to address all student’s academic, college, and/or occupational goals, in addition to supporting student’s personal and social needs. It is our goal for students to find a sense of belonging by building strong relationships within the community.
Scholarships Information
Financial Aid (Opens soon) get your tax info from last year together now.
SAT/ACT testing. If your senior hasn’t taken one, you are behind.
Scholarships, it’s time to apply.
If you plan to wait to do anything in January, you may be too late.
Plan to have everything done by November/December.
Here are twenty scholarships that are not based on income, along with their links for more information:
1. Coca-Cola Scholars Program –
2. Horatio Alger Scholarship Programs –
3. AXA Achievement Scholarship –
4. Elks National Foundation Most Valuable Student Scholarship –
5. Jack Kent Cooke Foundation College Scholarship Program –…/college-scholarship-program/
6. Ronald McDonald House Charities Scholarship Program –
7. Burger King Scholars Program –
8. Best Buy Scholarships –
9. Dell Scholars Program –
10. Foot Locker Scholar Athletes Program –
11. National Merit Scholarship Program –
12. GE-Reagan Foundation Scholarship Program –…/scholarship-programs/
13. Google Lime Scholarship Program –…/google-lime…/
14. The Gates Scholarship –
15. QuestBridge National College Match Program –
16. Siemens Competition in Math, Science & Technology –
17. Toyota TeenDrive365 Video Challenge –
18. VFW Voice of Democracy Scholarship Competition –…/youth-and…/youth-scholarships
19. Zonta International Amelia Earhart Fellowship –…/Educa…/Amelia-Earhart-Fellowship
20. YoungArts Foundation Scholarship –
8th Grade Transition to High School Information
10th Graders - PSAT Sign-up for Virtual Students
ANGER Management
Colleges and Universities
College Fair - Virtually
Dual Enrollment
UPDATED MCSD DE Participation Agreement (1)
Columbus Technical College’s Dual Enrollment
Semester Begins: August 15
How to Look–Up Classes for Registration
- Login to your OKTA Portal and select BannerWeb
- Select Student Services & Financial Aid
- Select Registration
- Select Look–up Classes to Add
- Select Term (Summer or Fall 2022) then Submit
- Choose Advanced Search to view multiple subjects at the same time (use the CTRL key to choose multiple subjects)
- Reminder – there is a HOLD for all DE students. DE students are not allowed to web register. Web registration is only available after high school graduation.
- To be registered for your classes, Email your class selections to:
M = Monday
T = Tuesday
W = Wednesday
R = Thursday
F = Friday
TR = Tuesday and Thursday
MW = Monday and Wednesday
MTWRFS = 100% online class
Times are in military time: 1400 = 2pm, 1800 = 6pm, etc…
Graduating DE Seniors:
How to send your official CTC transcript to another college/university:
*Unofficial transcripts are available via Banner Web (login to Okta Portal).
Links for Seniors
Spring 2021 ASVAB Sign-up for Juniors and Seniors
My College Applications and Acceptances
Military Bound
Important! Our records indicate that this is the first time your GAcollege411 account is being used on GAfutures. For security, and based on the data you provided in your GAcollege411 account, please answer 3 of these questions below exactly as you did in your Gacollege411 account.
Find the right college for you. Find the right college for you.
CollegeXpress: Making the college search easier with our state-of-the-art search tools, $7 billion scholarship database, college rankings and lists, and awesome expert advice. Create your profile and get recruited.
Your School Counselor must create an account to upload your official transcript in the School Counselor Dashboard. If your Counselor did not receive an email requesting them to upload your transcript, please have them go to and click on High School Counselor to create an account and upload your transcript.
With instant access to more than 800 colleges and universities around the world, the Common App is the most seamless way to manage the application process.
Important! Our records indicate that this is the first time your GAcollege411 account is being used on GAfutures. For security, and based on the data you provided in your GAcollege411 account, please answer 3 of these questions below exactly as you did in your Gacollege411 account.
Scholarship Saturday – September 19, 2020. This edition of Scholarship Saturday features 38 college scholarships and contests closing soon. There is a lot of scholarship money available – apply today!
Search for scholarships for college students with our free matching service for scholarships. Also learn about financial aid and student loan options to find money to pay for college at Fastweb.
Welcome to’s Free Scholarship Search! Search from nearly 4 million scholarships, along with other financial aid, including grants and internships, totaling nearly $6 billion. … Scholarship information is provided by the scholarship provider and updated daily.
College-bound student-athletes preparing to enroll in a Division I or Division II school need to register with the NCAA Eligibility Center to ensure they have met amateurism standards and are academically prepared for college coursework.
MCSD School Social Work Department
MCSD School Social Work Department
School Social Workers serve within the school district in order to help students achieve academic success by serving as a link between schools and home. School Social Workers visit assigned school to build relationships with the students and school staff, and they make home visits and telephone communication regularly with parents to offer support and resources. School Social Workers strive to alleviate barriers that get in the way of a child’s opportunity for education and success. School Social Workers collaborate with many agencies within Muscogee County to support our students, families, and community as a whole.
We seek to Advocate
- Serve as a voice for students
- Guide families in pursuit of needs, goods and services
- Serve as a liaison between the student, family, school, and community
- Report concerns of child abuse and neglect
- Assist parents in understanding children’s social/emotional needs
- Represent school position and needs in crisis situations
We Seek to Communicate
- Develop partnerships with community agencies and faith-based organizations
- Encourage and facilitate community involvement with schools
- Build positive relationships with school staff, students, and families
We seek to Educate
- Educate school staff and community on issues of cultural diversity
- Help students achieve maximum academic success
- Inform parents of the educational process
- Encourage and monitor school attendance
What We Do
- Enforce the Georgia Compulsory School Attendance Law
- Provide an array of services to students and their families
- Provide consultation to teachers and other staff
- Collaborate with the community agencies for the improvement of the welfare of our students
- Provide liaison services for McKinney Vento and foster care students and families
- Work with appropriate local agencies & families to help prevent child abuse
- Collaborate with community to help ensure families have the support resources they need
Post-Secondary Plans: What's Next?
What are your plans after graduating from Spencer High School?
SAT/ACT Information
Do you plan on attending a 4-year college/university? Have you taken or are you taking at least two years of the same foreign language? Does the institution or scholarship you are applying for have a SAT or ACT requirement? Is your overall average at least a 2.3? Then you need to register for the SAT and/or ACT. Click on the link below, so we can assist you with registration process and get you the appropriate fee waiver(s), if applicable.
Free Online Practice SAT and ACT Sessions
Transcript Request
Please submit the following link to request a transcript.