Dual Enrollment

UPDATED MCSD DE Participation Agreement (1)



Columbus Technical College’s Dual Enrollment

Registration for classes:  March 22 – May 5
Semester Dates:  May 23 – August 2
Registration starts:  April 25

Semester Begins:  August 15

If you plan to participate in Dual Enrollment this summer or next school year, please complete your 22-23 GAfutures Dual Enrollment Funding Application.  This must be completed and approved by your parent/guardian prior to registration.
Please see the link below for assistance with completing the 22-23 DE funding application on gafutures.org:

How to LookUp Classes for Registration

  • Login to your OKTA Portal and select BannerWeb
  • Select Student Services & Financial Aid
  • Select Registration
  • Select Lookup Classes to Add
  • Select Term (Summer or Fall 2022) then Submit
  • Choose Advanced Search to view multiple subjects at the same time (use the CTRL key to choose multiple subjects)
  • Reminder – there is a HOLD for all DE students.  DE students are not allowed to web register.  Web registration is only available after high school graduation.
  • To be registered for your classes, Email your class selections to:  DualEnrollment@ColumbusTech.edu
Description of letters on Course Schedule: 

M = Monday

T = Tuesday

W = Wednesday

R = Thursday

F = Friday

TR = Tuesday and Thursday

MW = Monday and Wednesday

MTWRFS = 100% online class

Times are in military time:  1400 = 2pm, 1800 = 6pm, etc…

Graduating DE Seniors:

Click “Apply Now” on the CTC website to complete the free Returning Student admissions application to continue attending CTC after high school graduation.
Provide an email/letter from your high school counselor stating that you are “on track to graduate” to be eligible for registration prior to high school graduation.

How to send your official CTC transcript to another college/university:

* Official transcript requests will need to be requested online through the CTC website (www.columbustech.edu).* Select “Request Transcripts” listed under Menu on the CTC website (right side, scroll down).* There is a fee to request your official CTC transcript.* Requesting your transcript through the online service is the only way to send an official transcript.
*Most colleges/universities will not accept a transcript as official if you send it to yourself.

*Unofficial transcripts are available via Banner Web (login to Okta Portal).