- 1/9- Report Cards
- 1/20- No School (President’s Day)
- 1/30- Class Pictures
- 1/31- Kona Ice
- 2/7- Progress Reports
- 2/14 Staff PD Day/Valentine’s Day
- 2/17 President’s Day/No School
- 2/28 Kona Ice/ Black History Day program
After School Program
As a reminder, all payments for after school must be paid on My Payments Plus.
Thank You,
River Road After School Staff
Click on the link below to access the Student Handook
River Road Student Handbook 2024-25
MCSD Student Handbook and Code of Conduct
Visit https://www.muscogee.k12.ga.us/ if you need information for online registration.
To request records, please contact
our clerk, Diana Barcenas Cortes, at
Barcenas.Cortes.Diana.M@muscogee.k12.ga.us .
If you are new to the Muscogee County School District, start the registration process now.
Follow the links below to view a video from MCSD that shares information about Infinite Campus.
English Version Spanish Version
Size Limit: Due to size limitations, the message should read “Happy Birthday or “Happy HALF Birthday” and the student’s first name and last initial only.
First come, first served: We are limited to 5 marquee birthday messages (5 separate children) each day. Submit at least ONE WEEK prior to the scheduled display date to ensure spot.
Weekend/Holiday Birthdays are NO problem: Schedule the message the Friday before or return date
following a holiday.
Summer birthdays: Celebrate half birthdays during the school year.
Complete the form to the left & return it to school with your payment.
Cost: $5
Title 1 Parenting Documents: