After School Program 

As a reminder, all payments for after school must be paid on My Payments Plus. 

Thank You, 

River Road After School Staff

My Payments Plus

After School Program Handbook 


 Visit if you need information for online registration.
To request records, please contact
our clerk, Diana Barcenas Cortes, at .


If you are new to the Muscogee County School District, start the registration process now.


Follow the links below to view a video from MCSD that shares information about Infinite Campus.
English Version                Spanish Version




Size Limit:  Due to size limitations, the message should read “Happy Birthday or “Happy HALF Birthday” and the student’s first name and last initial only.
First come, first served:  We are limited to 5 marquee birthday messages (5 separate children) each day.   Submit at least ONE WEEK prior to the scheduled display date to ensure spot.
Weekend/Holiday Birthdays are NO problem:  Schedule the message the Friday before or return date
following a holiday.
Summer birthdays: Celebrate half birthdays during the school year.
Complete the form to the left & return it to school with your payment.
Cost: $5


As stated in the Muscogee County School District handbook:
All students have been issued a Chromebook (to include Case and Charger) to use during the school day. Students must be responsible for their Chromebook/Case/Charger at all times.  In an effort to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars, students must be responsible for the care of their Chromebook and not damage it in any way. Chromebooks are to be carried in a case at all times when not in use.  Students who damage Chromebooks and/or accessories can be assessed a replacement fee as per Board (see MCSD Board Policy JS: Student Fees, Fines, and Charges).


Care and Use of School Property – Chromebooks, Textbooks, and Media Center Checkouts:
Students will be held responsible for the proper care of all books, supplies, Chromebooks, and accessories or equipment furnished to them by the school. A student who defaces, damages, or loses school property shall be required to pay for the damage or loss(see MCSD Board Policy JS: Student Fees, Fines, and Charges).
*A Parent/Student must pay all fees and fines owed to the school in a timely fashion. Parent/Student must clear all fines or fees during the year the fines are assessed. Fines must be paid/cleared where they were assessed and before moving to the next level in school.



Pre-K Supply List


4th Grade Supply List

5th Grade Supply List