NCES Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
Transportation Information:
• The late bell rings at 7:45 a.m. daily.
• Bus – Please arrive at your bus stop 15 minutes before your pick up time in the morning and 15 minutes after drop off in the afternoon.
• Car Rider Tags – You received one at Verification day and a second one on your students first day back to school. Be sure to have this displayed as you pick up your child each day from the car rider line.
Morning Drop-Off:
Please plan for your child(ren) to arrive by 7:45 AM each day, and remember to allow time for your child(ren) to walk to classrooms by 7:45 AM. Students who are not in their class at 7:45 will be marked tardy by the teacher. Morning drop-off procedures are as follows:
● Morning drop off time is officially from 7:15 AM to 7:45 AM. Car riders beginning arrival time will be at 7:15 to stagger between the bus riders and car riders arriving. Third, fourth and fifth students should be dropped off in the back bus loop. All Pre-K, Kindergarten, first and second grade students should be dropped off in the front. If there is not an adult or Safety Patrol out during morning drop off you must report to the front of the building, park your car and walk your student into the building. Thank you for helping us keep your child safe.
● Opening car doors is a courtesy we try to offer, but once you are in the drop off zone please allow your students to open up the door and get out.
● When using the front entrance, you must drive all the way up to the side walk to drop your student off. Please do not let your student out before you reach the white line on the sidewalk. Students should not be dropped off anywhere else in the parking lot.
● When using the back bus loop please enter the drop-off zone by veering right towards Veterans and continue around the loop toward NCES. Cars will maintain one lane of traffic. Only the right lane will be used for student drop-off. This area will be marked by orange cones. All parent vehicles should stay within the coned lane. All students will exit the cars and enter the building via the Blue House at the end of the walkway.
● Buses and daycare vans will have first priority in the bus loop/drop off area. They will be the only vehicles allowed to go into the left lane for student drop off. If you are behind a bus/day care van you must allow them to completely unload their students before traffic can resume.
● At 7:45 AM the front and back doors will be closed and locked. Students and parents are asked to NOT knock on the back doors to gain entrance. Faculty and staff members have been advised to NOT open back doors after the back car rider’s lane has closed. As a reminder, once there is no staff to receive students outside, parents must enter at the front of the building by ringing the doorbell by the front entrance and make a tardy pass for their student(s).
● Students are tardy at 7:45 AM and must be escorted into the front office by an adult via the front door of the building. Parents will enter the office and print out a tardy pass for their student. Students are not allowed to use the kiosk to get a tardy pass.
● Parents will not be allowed to enter the building via the back door (at any time).
● All parents wishing to come into the building must use the front entrance. Parents must park in the front parking lot and walk their children into the building. Please have your driver’s license with you in case we need to sign you in.
Afternoon Pick Up:
- All passes into the building end at 1:40. This allows teachers to prepare for dismissal. All visitors must exit the building, proceed to their cars and get in the appropriate car line for your child’s grade
level. - STUDENT CHECKOUT ENDS AT 1:40 PM. Please plan for appointments and arrive before 1:40 PM to checkout or be prepared to wait until dismissal. Please have your driver’s license with you to check your student(s) out. Do not call the office and ask for the teacher to have your child ready for your arrival; this is a disruption of instructional time. Please plan to arrive early enough to allow your child to prepare for departure once you have arrived on campus.
- Please be observant and move cautiously while waiting to pick-up your child. PLEASE, no talking on your phone or texting while in the pick-up lines. Please avoid videotaping staff or students while in car line. Use of profanity will not be tolerated during dismissal or any other time on school premises.
- Focus on the children. Teachers will focus on supervising, loading, and moving the line quickly. If you need to talk to your child’s teacher, please wait until after dismissal or schedule a conference.
- From the first day of school to the last day of school, each vehicle that picks up a student must have a pickup number displayed for easy viewing by the teachers. This number helps with safety and helps to locate your child(ren) quickly, load your vehicle, and get you on your way in a timely manner. This number will be given to you at registration. Each family will be given two of the same car numbers. Additional car tags can be purchased two for $2.00 in the office. Please have exact change and we can only accept cash. Without a pickup number displayed, you will be directed to park in the parking lot. You then will need to go to the office to provide identification. NO EXCEPTIONS. All students should be picked up by 2:30 at the latest. NO WALK UPS ARE ALLOWED. ALL STUDENTS MUST BE LOADED INTO A CAR.
- Grades Pre-K-2: Parent pick-up is in the front driveway (two lanes)
- Grades 3-5: Parent pick-up in the back entrance (bus loading area)
Parents with children in BOTH groups should instruct the older child to meet the younger child at the front of the school for pick up. Please let the teachers know this will be the dismissal routine in written form. Older students are to remain seated and be a positive example for the younger students waiting to be picked up.