2006 Old Guard Road
Columbus, Georgia 31909
Welcome to
North Columbus Elementary School
Home of the Eagles!
We are pleased to inform you that North Columbus Elementary School has been approved to operate the National School Lunch and School Breakfast Programs under the Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) for the 2024-2025 school year.
What does this mean for you and the students attending North Columbus Elementary School?
Great news! All students enrolled in North Columbus Elementary School are eligible to receive a healthy breakfast and lunch at no cost to the student each day of the 2024-2025 school year. No further action is required. We strongly encourage all students to eat breakfast and lunch at school as the meal participation rate helps maintain eligibility and funding for our program.
Student Account Balances
Some students will begin the year with a balance due carried over from the previous year. This balance due will not have any effect on their ability to receive a meal at no cost but until the balance is paid, the student will not be able to purchase Ala Carte items. North Columbus Elementary School currently has a $497.01 balance due. A student outstanding charge list can be provided closer to the start of school. We kindly request your assistance in collecting these unpaid balances. We will provide instructions for parents to pay their student’s balance due in the near future.
Student Meal Prices for 2024-2025:
Breakfast: No cost
Lunch: No cost
2nd Meal Price for students 2024-2025:
Breakfast: $1.00
Lunch: $2.45
MCSD Adult Meal Prices for 2024-2025:
Breakfast: $2.00
Lunch: $4.25
Visiting Adult Meal Prices for 2024-2025:
Breakfast $2.50
Lunch: $5.00
Good news! The NCES Merch store is open until Friday 9th at noon. All orders should be arrive two weeks from this 8/12. Thank you for your support! Go Eagles!
Click here for a printable copy of the NCES 24-25 supply list.
NCES Supply List 24_25
September 17th Individual Pictures
September 18th Chocolate Fundraiser Ends Any envelope or money not received by September 25th makes the NCES student ineligible for prizes, parties, etc.
September 19th Chick-fil-A Columbus Park Crossing 4:30-7:30 Code SPIRIT
September 26th Chocolate Top Sellers Movie Day in the GYM
September 27th Philly Phreeze
September 30 – October 28th at NOON: Trunk or Treat Candy Collection
Click below to access the MCSD School Nutrition – Free and Reduced Lunch Information:
Technology, Library Materials, & School Property Responsibilities and Fines
All students have been issued a Chromebook (to include Case and Charger) to use during the school day. Students must be responsible for their Chromebook/Case/Charger at all times. In an effort to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars, students must be responsible for the care of their Chromebook and not damage it in any way. Chromebooks are to be carried in a case at all times when not in use.
Students who damage Chromebooks and/or accessories can be assessed a replacement fee as per Board (see MCSD Board Policy JS: Student Fees, Fines, and Charges).
Fines and Fees Section
Care and Use of School Property – Chromebooks, Textbooks, and Media Center Checkouts:
Students will be held responsible for the proper care of all books, supplies, Chromebooks, and accessories or equipment furnished to them by the school. A student who defaces, damages, or loses school property shall be required to pay for the damage or loss(see MCSD Board Policy JS: Student Fees, Fines, and Charges).
A Parent/Student must pay all fees and fines owed to the school in a timely fashion. Parent/Student must clear all fines or fees during the year the fines are assessed. Fines must be paid/cleared where they were assessed and before moving to the next level in school.
North Columbus Elementary does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, or age and provides equal access to all school programs and activities.