Veterans Memorial Middle School

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Congratulations to the Relentless Rowdy Rangers for qualifying for the state competition at Georgia Tech! The Relentless Rowdy Rangers came in 2nd for Robot Design for the state of Georgia! A special thank you to Mrs. Scarbrough, Mr. Simpkins, and Mrs. Mitchell for coaching our teams. Rangers Lead The Way to state!

Congratulations to the VMMS Math Team who finished in 3rd place at the Columbus Technical College Competition on Saturday! William Hill came in 1st overall during the countdown round! Jayden Martinez, Lincoln Carroll, William Hill, and Ethan Chew qualified for state! Thank you to Mrs. Gard, Mrs. Spadaro, and Mrs. Cook for coaching our mathletes. Rangers Lead The Way!

Congratulations to January’s Students of the Month!

Kaylyn Le – team 6-1

Jeremiah Avery – team 6/7

Nora Fuentes – team 7-1

Imerie Smith – team 7/8

Levi Mehaffey – team 8-1

Congratulations to Ameya Singh for finishing as the Muscogee County School District Spelling Bee Runner Up! Ameya will compete in the regional spelling bee in February. She outlasted 42 other contestants! Ameya is now a back to back MCSD Spelling Bee Runner Up! Rangers Lead The Way!

Congratulations to Mrs. Mitchell for being selected as our December Teacher of the Month! Mrs. Mitchell teaches 6th grade math, serves as the math department lead, serves as a FTC and FLL Robotics coach, a member of the data team, and a member of the VMMS leadership team! Mrs. Mitchell truly gives 110%! Congratulations again Mrs. Mitchell! Rangers Lead The Way!

Congratulations to Mrs. Earle for being selected as the December Support Staff of the Month! Mrs. Earle does an exceptional job with daily attendance, student records, student excusals, and keeping us all in line! Congratulations again Mrs. Earle! Rangers Lead The Way!

The FTC Rowdy Rangers Robotics Team sponsored by Google competed against teams throughout Georgia. The Rowdy Rangers won the Judges’ Choice Award after winning 4 out of 5 matches. Thank you to Mrs. Scarbrough, Mr. Simpkins, Mrs. Mitchell, and Mrs. Carroll for all of their hard work with our team. Rangers Lead The Way in robotics and technology!

The Rowdy Rangers, sponsored by Google  competed today in the Lakeview/Jackson FTC League Meet. The Rowdy Rangers learned a lot and will make adjustments for future competitions. Did you know that Veterans Memorial is the only Muscogee County middle school with a FTC team this year? Rangers Lead The Way in FTC robotics!

The VMMS Academic Bowl Team was locked in as they competed at Regionals at Georgia Southwestern State University. Congratulations to our team and Mrs. Smith for advancing to the regional competition. Rangers Lead The Way to regionals! 

The VMMS Choir led by Mrs. Fortson did an exceptional job with their Christmas concert before a packed house at Evangel Temple Church! From Christmas classics to a freestyle to solos to Santa appearing this concert had a little bit of everything! Rangers Lead The Way in choir and performance!

Congratulations to the newest inductees into the National Junior Beta Club! Forty-seven new members were inducted. Students must obtain an 88 academic average, demonstrate leadership qualities, have good attendance, and are of a servant mindset. Thank you to Mrs. Smith and Mrs. Hunt for serving as our Beta Club sponsors. Rangers Lead The Way!

Veterans Memorial was recognized by the Georgia Department of Education and Georgia Superintendent Richard Woods as being a Math Leader School! This recognition is based on outstanding growth and achievement on the Georgia Milestones Assessment. Mrs. Perkins was able to be present for this recognition as she contributed heavily to students in our algebra classes. Rangers Lead The Way in high school algebra! 

Congratulations to Kinsley Brooks for being selected as one of six REACH Scholarship recipients. Kinsley officially signed her scholarship agreement this morning.

The REACH Georgia Scholarship program, established in 2012, provides needs-based mentorship and scholarship support starting in 8th grade. Superintendent David F. Lewis, Board Chair Mrs. Pat Hugley-Green, Deputy City Manager Mrs. Lisa Goodwin, educators, and community members welcomed MCSD’s new Scholars at the 2024 REACH Georgia Signing Ceremony on November 14, 2024, at the Muscogee County Public Education Center.

Each REACH Scholar is paired with a mentor and academic coach through high school, supporting their journey toward graduation, college success, and workforce readiness. Scholars who complete the program receive a $10,000 scholarship for use at any HOPE-eligible institution in Georgia, with the possibility of matched funds.                                              


We held our Hispanic Heritage Month Program. The entire student body was able to experience a true celebration of Hispanic Heritage including cultural dances, a parade, quinceaneras, the VMMS Cross Country team, the VMMS Cheerleaders, a performance from Ms. Hercules, and members of the VMMS soccer team! A special thank you to Mrs. Dortch, Mrs. Holley, Mrs. Williams, and Mrs. Barnes for organizing a great event for our students. Que día precioso! What a beautiful day! Rangers Lead The Way!

As we continue to celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month at Veterans Memorial, did you know we have Rangers from eleven different Hispanic countries? The diversity of our school is what makes our school great! Rangers Lead The Way! 

HOSA raised $340 for the Walk to End Alzheimer’s Association and participated in The Walk to End Alzheimer’s in Uptown Columbus. Great job HOSA! Rangers Lead The Way!

Congratulations to our GRIT ticket winners! They have a Growth Mindset, respectful, display integrity, and are teachable.Rangers Lead The Way!

Rangers Lead The Way!


General News and Announcements

    • February Parent Newsletter


All students have been issued a Chromebook (to include Case and Charger) to use during the school day. Students must be responsible for their Chromebook/Case/Charger at all times. In an effort to be good stewards of taxpayer dollars, students must be responsible for the care of their Chromebook and not damage it in any way. Chromebooks are to be carried in a case at all times when not in use.

Students who damage Chromebooks and/or accessories can be assessed a replacement fee as per Board (see MCSD Board Policy JS: Student Fees, Fines, and Charges).

Fines and Fees Section

Care and Use of School Property – Chromebooks, Textbooks, and Media Center Checkouts:  Students will be held responsible for the proper care of all books, supplies, Chromebooks, and accessories or equipment furnished to them by the school. A student who defaces, damages, or loses school property shall be required to pay for the damage or loss(see MCSD Board Policiy JS: Student Fees, Fines, and Charges).

A Parent/Student must pay all fees and fines owed to the school in a timely fashion. Parent/Student must clear all fines or fees during the year the fines are assessed. Fines must be paid/cleared where they were assessed and before moving to the next level in school.

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2008 Old Guard Road

Columbus, Georgia 31909


School hours – 8:10 to 3:10