Free Tutoring

GA Tutor offers free online tutoring for Georgia High School Students.  See the instructions below to sign up!

Download (PDF, 395KB)

Summer Credit Recovery
Academic Letter
Advanced Placement Exams

AP Exam registration is due October 18, 2024.  See your AP teacher for the green registration form.

Class Packages

Class Package Payment

Seniors Class of 2025


Parent Portal

Parents can access Online Registration as well as verification paperwork, student attendance, and grades through Parent Portal. Click here to log in!

Parent Tips - Go Guardian
Canvas Observer Instructions

Parents can sign up as an observer in Canvas. Observers can link their Canvas account to their student’s account so they can see assignment dues dates, announcements, and other course content. Observers can view the course content but cannot participate in the course.

Creating a Parent Observer Account

Generating a pairing code

Attendance Policy

When students are absent they should turn in an excuse for the absence to their 1st-period teacher on the day they return to school. When a student turns in an excuse they will be given all assignments that were missed during their absence. Students will have 3 days to complete and submit any missing assignments to their instructor. Coursework will not be provided to students that do not provide an acceptable excused absence note within 3 days of their return. As in the past, all doctor’s notes will be considered an excused absence. However, only 3 parent notes will be accepted as excused absences per 9 weeks. This includes check-outs. When a student checks out of school, for any portion of the day, it will be considered a parent note unless the student turns in a doctor excuse the following day to his/her 1st period teacher. Any additional parent notes will be considered as an unexcused absence.

Tardy Policy
1st/2nd tardies to class – warning
3rd, 4th, 5th tardies to class – central detention is assigned per tardy
6th or more tardies – In School Suspension (1 day)

*More than 15 absences, excused or unexcused, will result in loss of credit in a course.
Tardy Policy:

* All tardies are counted except when a Doctor’s note is provided at the time of check in.

Parental Opt Out Form

Clubs & Organizations

FCCLA Website

FCCLA stands for Family, Career, and Community Leaders of America. This organization focuses on improving relationships between peers and their community while bonding them together with strong teamwork and friendships through volunteer work. We hold meetings every first and third Thursday of each month. At each meeting we discuss Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities, Monthly Socials, Holiday Treats, and take in any suggestions

Click here to view the FCCLA Professional Presentations Forms

HOSA Website

HOSA (Health Occupations Students of America) was established in 1976, with the goal of increasing a student’s medical professional abilities, as well as their leadership capabilities. HOSA is a student organization that is geared specifically towards student achievement and advancing them in the medical field. Students can compete in events at a local, state, and national level. They also get the chance to travel all over the state of Georgia, as well as opportunities to travel to different parts of the country. There are many different categories of healthcare competitive events, but you get to choose the one that is best suited for YOU!

Mrs. McNelly

Mrs. Branch

Mu Alpha Theta is a national mathematics honor society for high school and junior college students.  Students must be enrolled in Pre-Calculus or above and maintain at least a 3.0 academic GPA.  See Dr. Gillis in room 932.

Students in Mu Alpha Theta serve as math tutors after school in room 932 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  Tutoring should begin Mid September.  Check out the national Mu Alpha Theta website here!

Math team and Mu Alpha Theta will start meeting on Sept. 4th in Dr. Gillis’s room, 932.  We will meet every Tues. and Thurs. from 3:30-4:30.  Math tutoring will also be held at this time.

Technology Student Association Website

Over 200,000 middle and high school students nationwide aspire to be future engineers, scientists and technologists through the Technology Student Association. The mission of TSA is: “Leadership and opportunities in technology, innovation, design and engineering. Members apply STEM concepts through co-curricular programs.”  Students who are interested can compete in various areas of Technology such as Robotics, Macrophotography, Videography, Architecture, Computer-Aid design, and Dragster design, just to name a few. There is a $15 membership fee for national registration.  If you would like more information, please come by room 409 on the science hall.

Mr. Hull

The Spanish Club is composed of Northside students who have a desire to learn about the Hispanic culture in unique ways.

Señora Colmenares

We invite you to click here to explore Spanish Club website!

Northside High School Theatre

Northside High School’s theatre department was founded in 2002, the school’s inaugural year, under the direction of Ms. Lisa Brinker (retired). At that time, Ms. Brinker, Mr. Harper, and Mrs. Hull produced 2 shows a year: The Fall GHSA One Act, and a follies production commonly known as Dinner Theatre or “DT” for short. Since then the program has grown to produce four (4) shows a year for people with varying interests and skill levels. We annually produce a Georgia High School Association One Act Competition piece, a holiday show, a children’s theatre show, and a spring musical. Northside Theatre provides every student an opportunity to release their creative energy in a positive and encouraging ​environment. Outside of a thriving and competitive extracurricular program, NHS Theatre has an active booster club, a superior curricular program, and boasts an active volunteer performance schedule that ranges from touring our children’s shows to elementary schools to performing for nursing homes and community dinners.

For more information, please visit our website: CLICK HERE

The Lantern, Northside High School Website

The Lantern is a yearly publication of work submitted by Northside students. Submissions include poems, short stories, photographs, songs, paintings, sketches, and more. If you are interested in submitting your work to The Lantern, please see Mrs. Hoffman in room 109.


Northside High School

2002 American Way
Columbus, GA  31909

Phone: 706-748-2920
Fax: 706-748-2931
Guidance Fax: 706-748-2932