MCSD Position Statement in Light of Recent Immigration Policies

The safety, well-being and educational success of every student enrolled in the Muscogee County School District remains our top priority. In light of recent changes in federal immigration policy, the District wants to reiterate its stance surrounding access to students during the school day and records and the rights of students to attend school.  


The Muscogee County School District, in keeping with current law and its Board Policies, does not inquire about the immigration status of its students or their family members.  The District supports the legal right of all children, regardless of immigration status, to access a public education, and is focused on the provision of educational services.  


The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) protects the privacy of student records, and the District will limit access to student records in keeping with that law.  The District controls access to the non-public areas of its buildings,  and will continue to follow school safety protocols as well as relevant laws that limit access to students while at school. The District will follow relevant laws as well as its internal protocols related to communication with outside agencies.  The District will also consult with counsel and continue to monitor changes and adhere to federal policies, while remaining focused on its educational mission to inspire and equip all students to achieve unlimited potential. 

Durante las últimas elecciones y en las semanas posteriores, el tema de la inmigración ha sido ampliamente discutido en nuestra comunidad y en todo el país. A medida que la nueva administración asume el cargo, se han emitido una serie de órdenes ejecutivas relacionadas con la inmigración.


El Distrito Escolar del Condado de Muscogee, en conformidad con la ley vigente y las pólizas de su Junta Escolar, no pregunta sobre el estatus migratorio de sus estudiantes ni de sus familiares. El Distrito apoya el derecho legal de todos los niños, independientemente de su estatus migratorio, a obtener a una educación pública y se enfoca en la provisión de servicios educativos.


La Ley de Derechos Educativos y Privacidad de la Familia (FERPA, por sus siglas en inglés) protege la privacidad de los registros de los estudiantes, y el Distrito limitará el acceso a los registros de los estudiantes de acuerdo con esa ley. El Distrito controla el acceso a las áreas no públicas de sus edificios y seguirá los protocolos de seguridad escolar, así como las leyes pertinentes que limitan el acceso a los estudiantes mientras están en la escuela. El Distrito seguirá las leyes pertinentes, así como sus protocolos internos relacionados con la comunicación con agencias externas. El Distrito también consultará con su abogado y seguirá monitoreando los cambios y adhiriendo a las pólizas federales, mientras permanece enfocado en su misión educativa de inspirar y equipar a todos los estudiantes para que alcancen un potencial ilimitado.


Falcons “Rise” to the Occasion:
R- Respect for self and others!
I – Integrity displays in all we do!
S- Success and Sportsmanship are our trademarks!
E- Enthusiasm for Education!


Rothschild Leadership Academy is committed to providing educational experiences that will enable each student to become a lifelong learner, enter the work force with necessary skills and achieve academic and personal potential.


Rothschild Leadership Academy was named after Maurice Rothschild, who served on the Muscogee County School Board for 21 years. Rothschild Leadership Academy, then named Rothschild Middle school was first opened October 6, 1968. The David Rothschild Co. is our Partner in Education, and the family continues its interest in the school. We would like to express our gratitude and appreciation to the Rothschild Family and the staff at David Rothschild Co. for their continuous assistance in fostering youth leaders.



Leadership is about attitude. This framework has the potential to unlock that inner leader within our children by helping them to inspire and motivate others and themselves to be better than what they think they can be. It will be impactful as it relates to accountability, responsibility, student performance, and student behavior.



Rothschild Leadership Academy’s mission is to inspire and equip students to achieve unlimited potential so that they can be leaders in a global society.


A leader is a person, any person using their influence to help others accomplish a goal or task. Leadership is a talent that everyone can develop. Leadership happens all the time, in every place – at home, work, school, church, and in social settings. Leadership is essentially about purpose; it is about getting a task accomplished. By adding Leadership Academy to our name, Rothschild Leadership Academy is purposeful and directional. What leadership does is more important than what leadership is. Think about the great leaders of history – Lincoln, Gandhi, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., and Mother Teresa. They didn’t theorize. They did leadership


Lonnie Jackson Academy          Wesley Heights Elementary School          Brewer Elementary School          Dimon Magnet Academy

Dawson Elementary School       St. Mary’s Road Magnet Academy

MCSD Student Handbook and Code of Conduct 2024-2025


Click the link above for access to the Student Handbook.

Rothschild Leadership Academy Contact Information

1136 Hunt Avenue

Columbus, Georgia 31907

Office Number: (706) 569-3709

Fax: (706) 569-3717