Shaw Magnet Program

Mass Communication Academy

The mission of the Shaw High School Mass Communications Academy is to develop in young people the critical skills necessary to succeed in the world of mass communications and mass media through extensive coursework in audio, video, technology and film with an emphasis on students continuing to post-secondary education/training. Expanded course offerings will include video production, writing for media, announcing, graphics production, news reporting, media law, business advertising, speech/forensics, social media, and internships with media related businesses. The MCA curricular vision includes attractive opportunities for students in every subject area designed to enhance student skills in written, verbal, and broadcast communications.  

Our magnet program consists of three courses.  This enables our magnet students the opportunity to explore so many of the other opportunities available at Shaw.  Our focus is preparing students for college with a variety of Advanced Placement courses, honors and accelerated courses, as well as the opportunity for dual enrollment (many of our magnet students are full time dual enrolled students as seniors at Columbus State University, Georgia Military College, and other local colleges/universities).

Magnet Contact:



Magnet Expectations

Magnet students:

  • Are expected to complete the Audio/Video Technology Pathway, which consists of 3 courses with a 3.0 GPA
  • They must maintain an overall GPA of 2.5.
  • Complete 20 hours of volunteer/community service hours per year.
  • Maintain Good Behavior and Attendance.
Audio & Video Technology & Film I

Course Description: This course will serve as the foundational course in the Audio & Video Technology & Film pathway. The course prepares students for employment or entry into a postsecondary education program in the audio and video technology career field. Topics covered may include, but are not limited to: terminology, safety, basic equipment, script writing, production teams, production and programming, lighting, recording and editing, studio production, and professional ethics. Skills USA and Technology Student Association (TSA) are examples of, but not limited to, appropriate organizations for providing leadership training and/or for reinforcing specific career and technical skills and may be considered an integral part of the instructional program. All material covered in Audio & Video Technology & Film I will be utilized in subsequent courses. The pre-requisite for this course is advisor approval.

Audio & Video Technology & Film II

Course Description: This one credit course is the second in a series of three that prepares students for a career in Audio Video Technology and Film production and/or to transfer to a postsecondary program for further study. Topics include Planning, Writing, Directing and Editing a Production; Field Equipment Functions; Operational Set-Up and Maintenance; Advanced Editing Operations; Studio Productions; Performance; Audio/Video Control Systems; Production Graphics; Career Opportunities; and Professional Ethics. Skills USA and Technology Student Association (TSA) are examples of, but not limited to, appropriate organizations for providing leadership training and/or for reinforcing specific career and technical skills and may be considered an integral part of the instructional program.

Audio & Video Technology & Film III

Course Description: This one-credit transition course is designed to facilitate student-led projects under the guidance of the instructor. Students work cooperatively and independently in all phases of production. Skills USA and Technology Student Association (TSA) are examples of, but not limited to, appropriate organizations for providing leadership training and/or for reinforcing specific career and technical skills and may be considered an integral part of the instructional program.

Broadcast Video Production (Optional)

Course Description: Broadcast Video Production Applications is designed to facilitate student-led projects under the guidance of the instructor, as well as provide opportunities for students to master skills necessary to gain entry level employment or to pursue a post-secondary degree or certificate. Students work cooperatively and independently in all phases of production. Topics include advanced camera techniques, audio production, scriptwriting, producing, directing, editing, employability skills, and development of a digital portfolio to include resume’, references, and production samples.

Broadcast Video Production Lab

Course Description: Broadcast Video Production Applications is designed to facilitate student-led projects under the guidance of the instructor, as well as provide opportunities for students to master skills necessary to gain entry level employment or to pursue a post-secondary degree or certificate. Students work cooperatively and independently in all phases of production. Topics include advanced camera techniques, audio production, scriptwriting, producing, directing, editing, employability skills, and development of a digital portfolio to include resume’, references, and production samples.

General Information

Community Service Log

Shaw magnet students are required to complete 20 hours of volunteer hours per year.

Use the following form to document your hours.
