Richards Middle School

What is PBIS?
Our goal is to promote a positive school climate for our students and teachers to learn and work in.
Through PBIS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) we focus on positive behaviors to promote a more productive learning and work environment.
Teaching behavioral expectations and rewarding students for following them is a much more positive approach than waiting for misbehavior to occur before responding. The purpose of school wide PBIS is to establish a climate where appropriate behavior is the norm.
For more information about PBIS schools go to the website below:
What are REP Points?
REP stands for Responsibility Excellence & Professionalism. Students and classes earn REP points two ways. Students/Classes will earn 1 point for demonstrating any of the #REP 50 manners expected while present in the school. Students/Classes will earn 5 points for demonstrating any of the expectations in our school’s PBIS Matrix areas. (Hallways, Restrooms, Cafeteria, and Bus/Car loading areas)
PBIS Acknowledgements
On Fridays each grade level’s REP Points will be tallied and announced at the end of the day. Five students’ names who have earned REP Points from each grade level will be randomly drawn. These 15 students will be announced and recognized by the principal and given a fist bump plus a secret surprise. At the end of each nine weeks the grade level with the most REP Points to date will earn a grade level celebration!