Parent's Corner

Fox School-Parent Compact

Parents, please review the 2022-23 Fox Parent and Family Engagement Policy & School-Parent Compact.

2022-2023 Fox Elementary Parent and Family Engagement Policy and Compact

Fox Elementary School will provide all students with high quality curriculum and instruction in a supportive and effective learning environment to meet high academic standards.

2022-2023 School Goals

Smart Goal 1: By May 2023, 100% of teachers will use research-based strategies and targeted instruction to personalize reading instruction in order to increase student reading levels to grade level or above as measured by the Fountas & Pinnell assessment system.

Smart Goal 2: By May 2023, 100% of teachers will collaborate with their colleagues through common and vertical planning, peer observations with postconferences, and teacher-led professional development as measured by classroom walkthroughs, teacher surveys and the TKES evaluation process.

What is a School-Parent Compact?
The School-Parent Compact is a written agreement that outlines how our school, our students, and our families will work together to ensure the academic success of all students.

Building Partnerships

  • Parents/Guardians are invited to attend Family Engagement Activities that are offered at the school.
  • Parents/Guardians are encouraged to become active participants in student achievement.
  • Parents/Guardians are encouraged to utilize the Parent Resource Room to check-out educational materials to continue at-home learning.
  • Check the Parent Portal often. Parent Portal is an on-line information system where parents can view their child’s grades and progress. You cannot access this site without your Parent Portal letter. Simply, come to the school’s office (with a picture ID) to pick up your letter.

Our Teachers

Teachers are expected to work with students and their families to support students’ success in reading and math. Some of our key connections with families will be:

  • Create a partnership with every family.
  • Monitor student progress in all subjects and regularly update parents.
  • Keep the lines of communication open through phone calls, text messages, e-mails, and notes.
  • Utilize “Take home folders” to keep parents informed. These folders are sent home weekly.
  • Keep the Parent Portal site updated.
  • Engage families in grade level standards-based activities during Family Literacy Night. At-home strategies can also be offered.

Communication about Student Learning

Fox Elementary school is committed of the ways you can expect us to reach you are:

  • Grade level newsletters
  • Monthly standards-based parent newsletters
  • Updates on the school’s website
  • Progress Reports/Report Cards
  • Parent/Teacher conferences
  • Take home folders