To love Northside, you must first experience Northside, and once you do, it is in your blood forever. You see, when you make a decision to become a Northside Patriot, you enter into our family where the atmosphere and climate are second to none. Northside strives to accomplish two very important goals: We want to make you feel safe, offering the best environment possible, and we want to challenge you to become college and career ready. These two very important aspects go hand in hand in becoming a well-rounded student. NHS offers two different magnet course options, Biotechnology, and Engineering. These classes are introduced during each student’s sophomore year and gives them the opportunity to see if they want to pursue this field after graduation.
Magnet Applications
The magnet application process for current MCSD students has closed for the 2025-2026 school year. However, students who are in a private school, home school setting, or attend school out of the district may still apply. Due to the sequencing of our magnet classes, we only accept rising 9th and 10th graders.
Please download the application and provide the teacher recommendation form to the student’s current Math and Science teachers. The teacher will need to return the recommendation directly to me via email or fax. In addition to the application, a current report card and standardized test scores from the past 2 years need to be submitted to the magnet coordinator. Northside is a partial magnet, therefore we are only able to accept 100 magnet students per grade level.
If you have any questions, please email Mrs. Fuller, the magnet coordinator at Fuller.Denise.M@muscogee.k12.ga.us

- Program Overview
- Hands on Experience
- Introduction to Health Science
- Essentials of Biotechnology
- Applications of Biotechnology

- Program Overview
- Hands on Experience
- Foundations of Engineering & Technology
- Engineering Concepts
- Engineering Applications
“Northside’s biotechnology magnet program is unlike anything else! We get to do advanced labs and real-world experiments that most high school students wouldn’t have the opportunity to experience. This program has ignited my passion for biotechnology, allowing me to dive deep into the field alongside classmates who share the same interests. The hands-on learning and unique approach make every day exciting, and I know it’s preparing me for a future career in a way that regular classes can’t match.”
“My Biotechnology class has been an amazing way for me to get real experience in a lab all while having a safe environment and an instructor to help me through the experiments. I have learned so much about different tools and their uses. This class is such a great way to get hands-on practice with lab equipment, and it has taught me so much about the importance of following instructions carefully and thoroughly.”
“The Engineering Magnet Program at Northside High School is an excellent program that gives students a strong foundation in the engineering field. This program provides a curriculum that emphasizes engineering principles, problem-solving skills, and interactive activities that prepare students for the future. We have the opportunity to use advanced technology to understand and apply engineering skills into real world environments and improve our school and community with hands-on projects. This program has given me a chance to experience all of the great things engineering has to offer and has created an enjoyable learning environment that is engaging and exciting.”
Announcements & General Information
Magnet Class of 2029/ rising 9th graders
Magnet Class of 2028
Community Service/ Volunteer Hours
Summer Volunteer Opprtunities
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I switch pathways once I’m in the magnet program?
No, you are not able to switch pathways due to the sequencing and scheduling of the 3 required classes.
Do I have to take an AP class?
YES, magnet students are required to follow the advanced track for science as follows: Honors Physical Science (if not taken in 8th grade) Honors Biology, Honors Chemistry and at least 1 AP class from the following: Biology, Chemistry, Physics or Environmental Science. IF you are a dual enrolled student then a college science class will meet this requirement.
What happens if I have failing grades in my classes?
Magnet student grades will be checked each 9-week grading period. If there are failing grades, parents will receive a letter in the mail and students will have a conference with Mrs. Fuller. If failing grades continue in the next grading period then a parent/student conference will be held with Mrs. Fuller and the student will be placed on probation. A contract will be put into place and if the student violates any of the stipulations of the contract, then magnet status will be terminated and the student will need to go to their home school of record at the end of the next 9 week grading period! If students are placed on probation, it is for the remainder of the student’s time as a student at Northside High School. Magnet students are not allowed to have failing final grades (end of year) in ANY class. This will result in an automatic removal from the program.
What if I am a dual enrolled student and I fail a class?
Even though you are participating in dual enrollment you are still required to follow the same expectations regarding grades for your classes at Northside. If you fail a college class, which is only a semester class, then you will violate your student/parent responsibly contract and you will lose your magnet status. If so, then you will need to return to your home school of record either in January (for a fall semester class) or in August for the start of the school year (after a spring or summer class)
I receive notices from Mr. Laney’s office regarding any behavior or attendance issues. Depending on the severity a student/parent conference could be requested. If a student is assigned to alternative school, then immediate loss of the magnet hardship ensues and the student will return to their home school of record once the mandated time is completed at AIM.
When and where do I receive my magnet cords for graduation?
Cords are received at the last graduation practice held at NHS. There is not a magnet cord fee, this was included in your one-time magnet activity fee.
If you need to see me, come by my office before school, any time after 3rd period or after school. I am available during 1st and 2nd lunch only.