Title 1 - Parenting Resources

Additional Parent Resources

Receiving College Credit While in High School

Earn College Credit in High School


See Below for important medical information regarding students.

Meningitis Vaccine Parent Letter 5-21-2019

Title 1 - Family Services Coordinator

Serve as the coordinator between school and parents, relaying the needs of one to the other; ensure that Title I, Part A parent involvement regulations are met with meaningful and strategic actions to build parent capacity under this section of the law; educate teachers and staff on how to communicate and work effectively with parents as equal partners in ensuring the academic achievement of their students; provide opportunities to develop effective family school partnerships to support student achievement and school improvement; help parents understand the school system so they can become better advocates for their children’s education; expand opportunities for continued learning, voluntary classroom service and school participation; advise and trains parents on how to address issues with teachers and the school leadership staff; provide referrals for community-based services for families dealing with conditions that impact the academic achievement of their students; develop community collaborations; promote sharing of power with parents as decision-makers.