
An organization is a faculty sponsored and led activity. All organizations have different requirements and procedures to join.

Directory of Organizations

Helen Ruffin Reading Bowl

Faculty Sponsor – Ms Bridges

Time & Location –

Peer Helpers

Faculty Sponsor – Counselor Patrick

Faculty Co-Sponsor – Birdy

Peer Helpers fill out applications in the fall. They must have positive reccomendations from their teachers, and favorable behavior/academic records.

Rams Television Live (RTVL)

Faculty Sponsor – Mr Van Erem

Auditions are in the fall.

Safety Patrol

Faculty Sponsor – Dr Combs

Time & Location – N/A

Faculty Sponsor – 


Faculty Sponsor – 


school hours

M-F: 8:10am – 3:10pm


2011 51st Street. Columbus GA. 31904.


(706) 748.2435


(706) 748.2436