Clubs and Activities
Snack Cart Friday will be returning on Friday October 13. Everything will be $1.
Students, we are on an activity schedule today.
Tomorrow, the ESOL Department will be hosting Family Treasures Night in the Arnold Cafeteria at 5pm.

Clubs and Activities
Snack Cart Friday will be returning on Friday October 13. Everything will be $1.
Debate Club will meet today. This rescheduling is for this week only. Next week, Debate will resume at the normal time.
The ESOL Department will be hosting Family Treasures Night in the Arnold Cafeteria on Wednesday, October 11, at 5pm. If you’re interested in participating and representing your country of origin, please contact Ms Gideon, Mr Castillo, or Ms Murphy.
There will be no percussion practice this week. Percussion Practice will resume on Tuesday October 10.
The Volleyball Jamboree will be at Eddy, tonight at 6:45. We will be playing Rothschild.
Our football team played a very good game last night against Midland, we are very proud of our athletes!

Clubs and Activities
Snack Cart Friday will be returning on Friday October 13. Everything will be $1.
Debate Club will not meet on Tuesday October 3, it is rescheduled to Thursday October 5. This is for this week ONLY.
The ESOL Department will be hosting Family Treasures Night in the Arnold Cafeteria on Wednesday, October 11, at 5pm. If you’re interested in participating and representing your country of origin, please contact Ms Gideon, Mr Castillo, or Ms Murphy.
There will be no percussion practice this week. Percussion Practice will resume on Tuesday October 10.

Clubs and Activities
Arnold will be having a spirit night at Texas Roadhouse on Tuesday, October 3rd. From 3-10, tell your server you’re there to support Arnold, and the school will receive 10% back.
Academic Bowl has practice on Tuesdays in Mr Weller’s room, from 3:30-4:30
Debate Club will not meet on Tuesday October 3, it is rescheduled to Thursday October 5. This is for this week ONLY.
The ESOL Department will be hosting Family Treasures Night in the Arnold Cafeteria on Wednesday, October 11, at 5pm. If you’re interested in participating and representing your country of origin, please contact Ms Gideon, Mr Castillo, or Ms Murphy.
There will be no percussion practice this week. Percussion Practice will resume on Tuesday October 10.
The Fall Chorus Concert will be in the Arnold Cafeteria on Tuesday, October 3. The doors will open to the audience at 6:30, the concert begins at 7. All Chorus students are expected to stay after school on Tuesday October 3rd for a mandatory final rehearsal. Teachers, please check your email for a list of the students allowed to stay.
For anyone interested in swim team, there is a parent interest meeting today at 6pm in the Richards Middle School gym.
Any students interested in learning how to get faster or getting in better running shape, sign up for the running/sprint club with Coach Williams. A sign-up sheet will be in the lobby during lunch, please get permission from your teacher to come sign the sheet. You will be given a GroupMe QR code for you and your parents to join. Updates will be made in the chat.
Any girl interested in trying out for the 2023-2024 basketball season, please sign your name on the Girl’s Basketball interest list that will be in the lobby during lunch. Please get permission from your teacher to come sign the sheet. Tryout dates will be announced at a later date. Conditioning will begin this Saturday. You will be given a GroupMe QR code for you and your parents to join. Updates will be made in the chat.
Anyone attending either activity must have a current physical on file, from this school year. See one of the coaches for a physical form if you do not have one.

Clubs and Activities
Arnold will be having a spirit night at Texas Roadhouse on Tuesday, October 3rd. From 3-10, tell your server you’re there to support Arnold, and the school will receive 10% back.
Academic Bowl has practice on Tuesdays in Mr Weller’s room, from 3:30-4:30
Debate Club will not meet on Tuesday October 3, it is rescheduled to Thursday October 5. This is for this week ONLY.
The ESOL Department will be hosting Family Treasures Night in the Arnold Cafeteria on Wednesday, October 11, at 5pm. If you’re interested in participating and representing your country of origin, please contact Ms Gideon, Mr Castillo, or Ms Murphy.
The Fall Chorus Concert will be in the Arnold Cafeteria on Tuesday, October 3. The doors will open to the audience at 6:30, the concert begins at 7. All Chorus students are expected to stay after school on Tuesday October 3rd for a mandatory final rehearsal. Teachers, please check your email for a list of the students allowed to stay.
Anyone interested in learning how to get faster or getting in better running shape, sign up for the running/sprint club with Coach Williams. A sign-up sheet will be in the lobby during lunch, please get permission from your teacher to come sign the sheet. You will be given a groupme QR code for you and your parents to join. Updates will be made in the chat.
Any girl interested in trying out for the 2023-2024 basketball season, please sign your name on the Girl’s Basketball interest list that will be in the lobby during lunch. Please get permission from your teacher to come sign the sheet. Tryout dates will be announced at a later date. Conditioning will begin this Saturday. You will be given a groupme QR code for you and your parents to join. Updates will be made in the chat.
Anyone attending either activity must have a current physical on file, from this school year. See one of the coaches for a physical form if you do not have one.