Clubs and Activities
Starting Tuesday, September 19, Percussion Practice will be held in Ms Smoots room every Tuesday and Thursday until 4:30. This practice will only be open to current members of the percussion section.
Fall Pictures will be taken on Monday, October 2.
Our Football Tryouts will take place today, Friday September 15, 4-6. There will not be any makeup dates; No excuses, no exceptions!
Are you interested in learning more about the Bible? Come to Bible club in Mr. Ray’s room (201) on Monday’s at 3:30. Bible Club will last one hour, so please have your ride pick you up at 4:30
There will be no Writing Club next week. Writing Club will resume on Monday, September 25.
Starting today, All State Band and Orchestra will now have practice on Fridays in addition to Monday and Wednesdays.

Clubs and Activities
Starting Tuesday, September 19, Percussion Practice will be held in Ms Smoots room every Tuesday and Thursday until 4:30. This practice will only be open to current members of the percussion section.
Fall Pictures will be taken on Monday, October 2.
Volleyball conditioning is cancelled today. If you need to call home and make transportation arrangements, please obtain a pass from your teacher in the course of the day.
Our Football Tryouts will take place today, Thursday, September 14 from 4-6. There will not be any makeup dates for anyone besides soccer players; No excuses, no exceptions!
Are you interested in learning more about the Bible? Come to Bible club in Mr. Ray’s room (201) on Monday’s at 3:30. Bible Club will last one hour, so please have your ride pick you up at 4:30

Clubs and Activities
Starting Tuesday, September 19, Percussion Practice will be held in Ms Smoots room every Tuesday and Thursday until 4:30. This practice will only be open to current members of the percussion section.
Fall Pictures will be taken on Monday, October 2.
Our Football Tryouts will take place Thursday, September 14 from 4-6. There will not be any makeup dates for anyone besides soccer players; No excuses, no exceptions!
Are you interested in learning more about the Bible? Come to Bible club in Mr. Ray’s room (201) on Monday’s at 3:30. Bible Club will last one hour, so please have your ride pick you up at 4:30

Clubs and Activities
Starting Tuesday, September 19, Percussion Practice will be held in Ms Smoots room every Tuesday and Thursday until 4:30. This practice will only be open to current members of the percussion section.
Do you like trivia? Are you a big fan of Jeopardy? Do you consider yourself to know a little about a lot? If so, please come to the Academic Bowl interest meeting on Tuesday, September 12 in Mr. Weller’s room, 3:30-4.
Fall Pictures will be taken on Monday, October 2.
Today is the final day for football conditioning. Our Football Tryouts will take place Thursday, September 14 from 4-6. There will not be any makeup dates for anyone besides soccer players; No excuses, no exceptions!
Are you interested in learning more about the Bible? Come to Bible club in Mr. Ray’s room (201) on Monday’s at 3:30. Bible Club will last one hour, so please have your ride pick you up at 4:30

Clubs and Activities
Do you like trivia? Are you a big fan of Jeopardy? Do you consider yourself to know a little about a lot? If so, please come to the Academic Bowl interest meeting on Tuesday, September 12 in Mr. Weller’s room, 3:30-4.
Fall Pictures will be taken on Monday, October 2.