If you want to join yearbook committee, get an application from Mrs. Chaney in room 602! Applications are due by September 1st.
Creative Writing Club will have their first meeting on Monday, August 28th, until 4:30 in Ms Neills room.
Bible Club will have their first meeting on Monday, August 28th , until 4:30 in Mr Rays room.
Debate Team will have their first meeting on Tuesday, August 29th until 4:30 in Ms Neills room.
Drama Club will be meeting on Thursday, August 31st until 5, in Ms Mcguires room.
Arnold will be having a spirit night at Texas Roadhouse on Tuesday, September 5th. From 3-10, tell your server you’re there to support Arnold, and the school will receive 10% back.
Arnold is looking for students, teachers, and faculty to participate in the Latino Festival Parade on September 16, 2023. If you are interested, please let one of the ESOL teachers know. Mrs. Murphy, Mr. Castillo, or Ms. Gideon. More information is to come.
There is no football conditioning today. Football conditioning will take place on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of this week.
Fall Pictures will be taken on Monday, October 2.