Students who will be in Kindergarten, 1st Grade, and/or 2nd Grade in the 2024-2025 SY and are zoned for DHES. JD Davis, and/or MLK must qualify to attend Brewer!
Georgia standards are reviewed on a regular cycle to stay current with our ever-changing, fast-paced, and technological society.
Renaissance Learning, iReady, Heggerty, and MUCH More!
About Us
The K-2 initiative is geared towards students who are entering school below grade level in the areas of literacy and numeracy. By working with parents, the Rollins Center for Language and Literacy, the Georgia Department of Education and other community partners the initiative will support 14 to 1 class ratio. With the smaller class sizes, teachers will be able to work more intimately with their students to get them on level.
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Our School Improvement Goal
By May 2024, Brewer Early Innovation Academy will refine the collaborative planning structure to address the standards-based classroom instructional framework with 85% implementation as measured by the GaDOE High Impact (HIP) Collaborative Planning Tool.

Social Skills

What should I expect?
A team full of passionate educators, families, community members, and students!
How do I submit a records request?
Email us @ hellobrewcrew@muscogee.k12.ga.us
Where do I find information on transportation?
Go Visit the MCSD Transportation Page for more information!
How do I enroll my child?
Students must be accepted into Brewer Academy!
What is the uniform policy?
Students are allowed to wear any color polo style collared shirt with navy or khaki bottoms!
What if I have multiple kids in elementary school?
Students must be accepted into our K-2 acceleration program. If students are not accepted into this program, they will attend their home school.
What Our Families are Saying