A Word

From Our Principal

Our focus will be to inspire and equip all students to achieve unlimited potential during their academic career. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities. “

– Victoria Griffin

Embarking on a New Learning Journey In 2024-2025 !



My name is Mrs. Victoria Griffin, Principal at South Columbus Elementary School (SCES). It is a great honor to be able to serve you and your children for the 2024-2025 school year.                       

We are looking forward to a productive partnership with you to ensure our children can have a great educational experience. Our focus will be to inspire and equip all students to achieve unlimited potential during their academic career. As partners, we share the responsibility for our children’s success and want you to know that we will do our very best to carry out our responsibilities. 


Mrs. Griffin 


Administration Team 

Our school adminstration team members are responsible for providing instructional leadership and developing, implementing, and evaluating and/or coaching school level policies and procedures.

Teresa Mims

Teresa Mims

Elementary Dean

D'Yana Hardaway

D'Yana Hardaway

Assistant Principal

Tara Johnson

Tara Johnson

Guidance Counselor


Partners In education


Years Established

Get In Touch

Location: 1964 Torch Hill Rd.

Columbus, GA 31903

Telephone: (706) 683-8833

Email: SCES@muscogee.k12.ga.us

School Hours: M-F: 7:45 am – 2:15 pm